Our vision: A better, healthier and free South Africa for all. 

We want to work toward creating a space where individuals can enjoy their fundamental right and freedom to choose natural or alternative healing therapies. A safe place, that encourages bodily autonomy and responsibility.

There should be no negative or undue interference by government or corporations in an individual’s ability to exercise their human rights, particularly when such interference involves concealing or misrepresenting relevant information, or seeking to gain power or influence for their benefit. 

Our mission to realise this vision includes but is not limited to the following proposals: 

  • To empower people of our land through education. Vuka SA is laying foundations to become a resource hub. A place where you can find solutions or guidance to solutions to any medical, legal or work related problems.
  •  Knowledge is power, Wisdom is knowing how to use this knowledge.
  • Creating a common ground where medical practitioners both conventional and alternative can work together in finding health solutions.  
  • Encouraging and promoting principles of self-reliance and independent living – to teach and train people how to live sustainably. 
  • Building an alternative way of life – going back to basics – returning to a good wholesome way of life (the likes of our ancestors).


Dr Naseeba Kathrada - also known as Dr Kat
Dr Naseeba Kathrada - also known as Dr Katdrkat@vukasa.org.za
Is a general practitioner in Durban, South Africa. She specialises is weight management. She is the owner and CEO of Dr Kat’s Weight Loss & Aesthetic centre. She founded the Covid Home Management Team (Durban) during the early months of the pandemic. Her group ‘I can make a difference’ won the case for Ivermectin to be unbanned in the South African High Court. She is founder of the group Caring Healthcare Workers Coalition and Director of the Newly formed VUKA SA NPO. She is the chairperson of the Health and Humanity committee of the World Council for Health. Her biggest achievement and what she is most proud about is that she is a single mom to 2 amazing and beautiful teenage daughters. Be Better than your best - is the motto she lives by
Katja Forster
Katja Forsterkatja@vukasa.org.za
Katja has been employed as a Senior Administration Specialist in the Personal Fiduciary Services industry for the past 28 years. In addition, she is a professional photographer, who runs a part time business specializing in Family, Lifestyle and Events photography. recently having branched out into Fine Art Photography. Happily married to Dennis, Katja is the proud mother to two grown-up children and three bouncy, energetic dogs. She is passionate about nature, yoga, natural health, animals and travel and is a firm believer that to be successful, you need to be helpful, caring and constructive and make everything and everyone you touch a little bit better.
Bruce Mills
John Bruce Mills, called Bruce since childhood, is a business owner with multiple interests in various industries. He is the Director and COO of Kaizen SHEQ (Pty) Ltd as well as Supply Chain Compliance Services (Pty) Ltd [SCCS]. Bruce is a Certificated Lead Auditor with IRCA in London and audits in 3 main disciplines, Quality, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management System Standards. Bruce is also a Tutor, a systems implementer and consultant on Management systems in Business applications. He serves on the SABS technical Committee for ISO 9001 [Quality] TC176 and has been active in the SHEQ role for 22 years. Much of his industry experience was gained in the Industrial Chemical sector since 1982. Bruce also teaches Occupational Safety and Health short courses to corporate clients. His reach in both Teaching and Public speaking on these subjects is international with work in Africa, the Middle east and here at home in Southern Africa. He has a passion in the area of legal applications for safety and health in the workplace through education and training of management and workers. Bruce also mentors and trains upcoming auditors through an Auditing Practical Program offered by Kaizen SHEQ. A recent personal highlight was the birth of his grandson to his only daughter in December 2021.
Sula Lelyveld
Sula Lelyveldsula@vukasa.org.za
A South African wife, poet and mother. Sula was the founding member of the Durban Live Poets Society (LiPS) in 1995 which she headed until leaving Durban in 2000. She has had journal extracts published in Fair Lady Magazine and in the anthology “Glass Jars Among Trees” and her poetry, for which she has won several prizes, has been published in various South African and international anthologies. Sula is a loving mother to 4 children and loves hiking, the outdoors, reading, writing, cooking, baking and sewing.



Donations are welcome to assist with
VUKA News, Water Bottle Distribution etc.
and can be made via EFT to:

VUKA South Africa NPC
First National Bank
Branch Code: 250655
Acc No: 63003186970


We all have different roles to play - each of us is a puzzle piece in this disarray - only together can the picture be whole again. 
Every bit counts - make a donation today. 
Together, our voices can be heard in every corner of South Africa.