@vukasa_1 https://vukasa.org.za #vaccineinjury #testimony #diedtoyoung #canwetalkaboutit #grieving #loss #tragedy ♬ original sound vukasa
A film about a mother’s personal journey with her son that has suffered 30 years of debilitating pain and discomfort from severe vaccine damage. Jadd’s story will finally be heard and hopefully will give many parents the opportunity to make an informed choice with respect to what they allow to be put into their children’s bodies. “My name is Adie Shub and I am so delighted to be at this moment in time to tell the story of my son Jadd, who has sacrificed so much of his life to come in this time frame, in the here and now, where it is such an important subject to talk about and this is about vaccine damage.
@vukasa_1 https://vukasa.org.za/##news #latestnews #southafrica #media #uptodate #healthcare #stopthemandate #medicalexemption #mandate #donate #vukasa #emotional #injury #africanlanguages #xhosa #nuus ♬ original sound - vukasa
@vukasa_1 https://vukasa.org.za/##news #latestnews #southafrica #media #uptodate #healthcare #stopthemandate #medicalexemption #mandate #donate #vukasa #emotional #injury #africanlanguages #xhosa #nuus ♬ Sad piano ballad (moist / BGM)(936730) - TrickSTAR MUSIC
@vukasa_1 https://vukasa.org.za/##news #latestnews #southafrica #media #uptodate #healthcare #stopthemandate #medicalexemption #mandate #donate #vukasa #emotional #injury #africanlanguages #xhosa #nuus ♬ original sound - vukasa
@vukasa_1 https://vukasa.org.za/#
♬ original sound - vukasa
@vukasa_1 https://t.me/VukaSouthAfrica#news #latestnews #southafrica #media #uptodate #healthcare #stopthemandate #medicalexemption #mandate #donate #vukasa #emotional #injury #africanlanguages #xhosa #news ♬ original sound - vukasa
@vukasa_1 https://t.me/VukaSouthAfrica#news #latestnews #southafrica #media #uptodate #healthcare #stopthemandate #medicalexemption #mandate #donate #vukasa #emotional #injury #africanlanguages #xhosa #news ♬ original sound - vukasa